Tuesday, December 25, 2012

12 2012: Apocalypse Denied

Dude, where's my Armageddon?

Well, the world didn't end. Th-th-that's not all, folks. Although I am very happy that I am not wandering the post-apocalyptic wastes with my pup in search of clean food, water and gasoline this Christmas morning, I can't deny that the journal I'd be keeping in that scenario would be a way better read.

This year I am spending Christmas with my family in the land of my birth. A tiny lackluster city on Florida's sun coast, or gold coast, I can never remember what they call this. I know this is a place where my friends are few and my enemies are many so I've been staying close to my hotel and only going out to see family or at night to skate the old stomping grounds. I should count myself lucky to even be with my family this year. Many aren't. Yesterday I walked the sands of the beach where my Mother's ashes were spread years ago. It was a grey/yellow sunset and although my loved ones were all around I felt sort of alone.

In the throes of my selfish, sandy, nauseating, nostalgia I found a tiny diamond shard of enlightenment. When something horrible and irreversible happens there is no real way to make it better. There is only progression or regression. You can move forward despite your pain or you can sit in it. Moving the body makes it more vital. Stagnation breaks it down. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that the soul may work in the same way. Either physically or meta-physically, we can be resilient pilots of momentum or miserable bedsore-ridden sloths. It's up to us.

2012 was a pretty bad year for the human race.  Natural disasters seem to be increasing in both frequency and intensity. But, that's not what I'm worried about. People are still coming up with new and more horrible ways to hurt and kill each other. The media milks the shit out of this monster's prostate. Everytime one of these pussy, loser, gunmen comes out of the woodwork, they show the fucker's picture all over the news. This breeds copycats. As long as we give these assholes their pics in the paper and on TV, not only they will continue to show up at our movie theaters and schools. These acts of unspeakable violence will continue and will also probably escalate in severity. The reason these pieces of shit do what they do is because they want attention. If we feed these animals they will come back. Again and again.

Don't feed the fucks.

2013 will see a change in format for the blog. More film and television and fiction reveiws and less of my philosophy and sociological commentary. In addition to the "NerdPostXlusives", I'll be reviewing horrible movies in "ToiletTheater" books and short fiction in "LitSpit" and TV on "Poop-Culture-Phenomena". Enjoy the madness.

Happy Christmas.
Until next time...

-2012 Wielgorecki

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