Saturday, April 20, 2013

48 Toilet Theater Presents...

3-Flush Truckload

Not porn, regardless of its name. American International, the 'American Standard' in cinema, is behind this unsexy redneck answer to Taxi Driver. Peter Fonda delivers Kung Fu Sage cool throughout this piss bottle of a movie. In High Ballin', Fonda wears a jacket I think I may have bought at Goodwill once and another jacket I wished I had. High Ballin' is another one of those 1970s trucker films like Convoy that were part of an emerging CB Radio and Trucking culture trend then. Breaker Breaker. Perhaps it was the whitest form of rap there ever was. Perhaps this trend was a harbinger of our current technological culture. The CB was replaced by the car phone, the cell phone, and today, by the smartphone. The 'handle' has been replaced by the screen name or user name, and the codes have been replaced by txt shorthand. Maps are now GPS. Clubs are now Tasers. Coffee is Red Bull, and Reds have become meth. Somehow, through all that change, the cellulose continues to cultivate in truckers asses, same as it always has. More importantly, the language and music of truckin' continues to endure through the ages. Slack-jawed, backwater, country creepy. Keep on keepin on to the flipity flip there, Ballrider. Watch out you don't get a Bear behind, good buddy. Come back? (LINK)

"Man, this Jeep Grand Cherokee commercial is LONG!"
This fun little R-rated romp through the southwest's white slave trade, stars Kurt (The Original Solid Snake) Russell. His missing wife is played by Jim (Val Kilmer) Morrison's Pagan wife from The Doors. It also has the guy who was a road worker George Costanza hired to help him get his talking Phil Rizzuto keychain from beneath the 86th St pavement. There is also Red Barr, played by JT Walsh who was also fantastic alongside Max Von Sydow in Needful Things. It's got that kid from other late 90s films with the giant face who looks like a hillbilly Bon Jovi. Good car chases. Over-the-Top villains. The coolest dude in this one has got to be MC Gainey. A living legend. Make sure to watch this with a loved one right before you both leave on a road trip together. Be careful out there. (LINK)

"I'm sleepy."
Black Dog
This movie not only has the late-great Patrick Swayze, but also stars Meatloaf, and Randy Travis. It's the tale of one last run by a stand up guy, an ex-con, just tryin' to do right. He's gotta take a wrong road to get there though. Smugglin'. Bloodstains. Speed kills. Fast cars. Cheap thrills. Rich girls. Fine wine. He loses sense, loses control, and loses his mind. Hallucinating a black ghost mutt on the road that changes the truckin' career of Jack Crews, forever. Next time grab a sandwich and some coffee, you dumb piece of shit. Jack Crews. Nice name, dude. (LINK)

The Moral of the story is: Don't drive asleep.
Another time. Another toilet.

  -2013 Wielgorecki

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