Monday, April 1, 2013

XX Multi-Million-Dollar-Media/Merchandising-Incubi

How many fools can she take out with just her knife & hair-noose?

I hope everyone ingested just the right amount of yolk, cocoa, oils and sugar this year for "Super Undead Jesus Day", and leftovers for "Make Someone You Know Feel Dumb Day", today. They really should change "April Fool" to "You're Dumb." Mmmmm. Pranks.  

It may seem weird that I didn't knumber this post. I knever do when I post shit from Dimension X. That's where I am right know. When-knever I post from Dimension X I can only type the knumbers 1, 2, and 3. I don't now why. Let's get down to business. Or, as they say at Charlie Chaplin's Assfuck Chocolate Factory:

"Let's get down to brown. "  

M-MDM/Mi: Whut-Thuh-Fukk? Who gives away great ideas for free? Kramer? Hell no. Me. Because I hate bureaucracy and most all "money guys". You know who I'm talking about. Fuck 'em. Who needs all that hassle? Pitching to a wall? Throwing diamonds at the feet of people so rich they don't even bother to look down at the sun reflecting off them? Aw, no sale? No skin off my back. I hates sales. You be the salesman. It is unlikely any of them will ever be read, anyway. Here's some idea lightning that could make you rich…

The Incubi:

-A kids candy line with bee-pollen in it called "SUPERGUM!" Oh no! What if you have a bee allergy? Sorry, no SUPERGUM! for you, pussy. Get a shot. Think Bazooka with a Bee instead of Joe. Comics? Trading Cards? Last time I checked, kids still love that shit. All parents love something to give their kids to chew on because it makes them shut the fuck up for a while. Win-Win. 

-A reality show about Roller Derby families profiling the athletes' husbands, called "Derby Wives".
Your welcome.

-A reality show called "They Ate What They Hate" where celebrity chefs kill peoples' food phobias. Really, really good chefs need to be used. Will the fussy bitch or bastard end up liking a food they hate? Tune in to see…

-A cartoon called "Michael Jordan in the 23rd Dimension" which would be a retro throwback to the slightly psychedelic Brown Hornet and funky Hong Kong Phooey type shows. It would have to be hosted and voiced by Jordan, ala Mr. T and Chuck Norris. In each episode, MJ would one-on-one a different Alien Villain and, of course beat them, saving whatever weird alien buddies he'd made in the 23rd dimension that week. Music by RZA. Moral lessons and Animated Celebrity Athlete Guest Stars every show. Need I say more?

Really want to mess with someone? Give 'em an "April Fool" on April 2nd. It will make them so much madder. Woo! Hair-noose! (Oh. Duh. Poison! She poisons them all with poison drinks. Right?)

-2X13 Wielgorecki

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