Thursday, May 2, 2013

55 Tai-Chi Zero: Steampunk Beatdown.

Jayden Yuan as Lu Chan- From Zero to Hero.

Tai Chi Chuan and Chi Kung, are the backbone of all the Chinese Martial Arts. If you want to be good at Kung Fu, Chi-Na, Fast-Wrestling, Wushu etc., it is best to first practice these soft/internal arts, and to incorporate them into your daily routine. This will result in the hard/external arts balancing you out, and strengthening you from the inside out. Don't believe it? Try and see.   

In Actor/Director Stephen Fung's Tai Chi Zero, we are taken to an alternate, old China. In this legendary world, for some reason, a Franco-Chinese, Steampunk Industrial Revolution is taking place. 

("this word was not found in the spelling dictionary")

The main character is a young man named Lu Chan. He's got him a super-powered cyst on his dome. When this "horn" gets slapped, watch out. The dude goes ballistic. (See above.) This film reads more like an Anime, fighting arcade game or graphic novel, but, it does so really well. It has fantastic fight choreography, fun high-grade special effects and an incredible pace. I have yet to see the sequel. (featuring badass actor and Cinco-Boy pitchman, Peter Stormare aka "Slippery Pete.") The sequel is called Tai Chi Hero. I am sure it continues this natural blending of the comic superhero and martial arts genres. 

Tai Chi Zero is streaming on Netflix, YouTube and elsewhere. If you're a martial arts film fan with a good sense of humor, you will love this. If you aren't, why in hell did you just read this?

-2013 Wielgorecki   

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