Friday, June 21, 2013

69 Love & "The Sex"

"You got sex in my love!".."You got love in my sex!"
You can have great sex without love, but why would you? Love seems to me to be one of those words like God, Right, and Wrong. One we use to create great power within ourselves. What we do with this power is just a matter of perspective and intent. What is greater than even God itself? God's Love. What is stronger than any marriage contract? The Right Love. What do we go looking for sauce-soaked in bars? The Wrong Love. Love is the most powerful of all the power-words on earth.

As a straight, male, human, my brain is naturally pre-occupied with primarily sexual thoughts. I see a strange, sexy woman, I speculate. I have never been dishonest about this. As long as you're not sitting around with family, why not steer a conversation towards sex? It's way more fun than talking about God, or morality. It is a great way to gauge the squares, who usually blush and float away during a graphic sex conversation, yet who's awkward laughter is always welcome communicative music.

Not everything is about sex, despite Freud's frauds. However, almost anything can be made sexual, and has been, for good or ill. Today, both the medical and psychological communities almost universally concur that non-violent sexual fantasy is healthy. When someone calls me a pervert, I just think about all the hours of moral pounding they've probably taken. I pity the uptight. Imagine suffering all those hours of anti-sex lectures. Years and years worth of it. Bummer. This will often have a reverse-effect too. Turning the morally battered into gross, drooling actual pervs. The pot calling the kettle black.  

When you love someone is it really supposed to be forever? Fuck. You're only supposed to love one person, according to some rules some dude wrote one day. I think it was some fucker who's wife was cheating on him. Why just one? I won't bother quoting divorce statistics. People get sick of each other. It doesn't mean they didn't love each other. It also doesn't mean they both can't love other people better. I have been "in love" with just about every woman I ever had sex with. The long-term "loving" relationship is the greatest arena sex can have. That's it.

"Fuck your Love."
-Best thing an ex ever said to me.

-2013 Wielgorecki

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