Monday, July 8, 2013

72 Twinkies: You Can't Keep A Good Kid Down.

Zombie "The Kid" by Corpsecomic @ (LINK)
He has inside him, Blood of Kings...(LINK)

People love sugar. Some people associate their first remembered sugar-highs as a happy nostalgic window to their lost innocence. Some people just plain love the shit out of sugar. One of the spongiest, cremiest, cheapest ways to shoot your blood up with sugar was the Twinkie. In 2012, in a showdown with Stephen King's Gunslinger, Twinkie the Kid was gunned down by the Universe-jumping, Arthurian, cowpoke. Of course he was. He was Twinkie the Kid. Dude was soft. They buried what was left of The Kid, behind a Target in Rahway NJ, only when they went to check the coffin 3 days later- it was empty.

Like Jesus, Machiavelli, and Fist of the North Star's Kenshiro, Twinkies return from the dead July 15th.

-2013 Wielgorecki

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