Friday, July 19, 2013

74 Poop-Culture Phenomena...

Poop-Culture wants you sick and dumb, living like a blissful, obedient, insect. Poop-Culture wants you to believe you are a part of some greater human collective. There is no greater collective. There are individuals, groups, and their agendas. Nothing more. Poop-Culture wants to show you things you've seen before, in new ways. And, by the way, Poop-Culture also wants to tell you about some great offers and deals. We all know that 99.999% of everything on TV is crap, and we love it. We expect the same poo-hoagie we've been served since childhood so that's what they give us, and we eat that shit. We eat it every time. Over years, like GMO's, consumption of Poop-Culture can alter your DNA and make you more like it. You are what your brain eats. Don't eat shit. Remember, we are all alone together. Eliminate the ninnies and the twits. Information is not communication. There are only people and their motives. There is no culture. There is no collective. There is no Utopia. Only poop. The Great Poo-dopia. AKA: TV-land.

The Good

YouTube Jewel: Ricky Gervais Channel
Check out Learn Guitar with David Brent. With songs like Life On The Road, Oh La La, Spaceman Came Down, Free Love Freeway, and the latest and greatest track- Ain't No Trouble featuring the one and only Dom Johnson- an MC who also rhymed on Brent's music video- Equality Street. (LINK

The Bad

Plunder the Dumb
Oh crap. My town is Under the Dumb. If it was just a dome, you could dig under it. It must be an orb, if it ever hopes to contain the townspeople. One thing is for sure, it's big, it's dumb, and people fucking love it. Remind you of anyone? (Tim Tebow) If you watch too many shows like Under the Dumb, you will become dumb. You will also probably become more of an asshole too, in defense of that Dome-ass show you like. Don't be a cheese-maze rat. Don't watch Under the Dumb. It's bad for your dome. Read the book.   

Target: Bullshit University
OK, Target made this Truman Show inspired thing on some college campus. It looks like a bunch of blocks, but it is actually some see-thru dorms. Nothing ever happens on Target's Truman Show. Know why? It's because no one will ever think it's cool to be on a fucking department store commercial. Stores like Target and their brethren, are part of what's wrong with the world today. They contribute to the black hole of greed, narcissism, and ignorant materialism that many kids suffer from into early adulthood. They figure: "College kids are stupid as fuck. We can just set up some bullshit on a college campus and those idiots will help us cool-up our image and give us free advertising." Pretty sneaky, even more stupid. I'm just happy to see that it's failing.
"…and these children that you spit on, as they try to change their world, are immune to your consultation, they're quite aware of what they're going through." Buh-buh-buh-Bullseye.

Shaky Camera Shit Through The Ages
Hey, wanna puke? Go turn out all your lights and watch these shows. Thanks for all the shaky camera shit- 
Dr. Who
Homicide: Life on the Street
Every CSI
Battlestar Galactica
Person of Interest
Too many movies to list..
and just about every recent Vampire/Werewolf piece of TV shit made.
Shaky-cam shows a lack of artistic vision. It let's the viewer know: "Hey. Fuck you. We just wanted to get this shit out on the street. So what if it looks like shit? Give us money. Watch it. Get sick. We don't care." Yep, that's exactly what it says every time some "filmmaker" swings their fuckin' cameras around. You need control to create real chaos on film. It's about creating chaos in the MIND of the viewer isn't it? (The Office pulled this off, even WITH the shaky-cam) Many directors know this, but do shaky-cam shit anyway. This is because what they're making isn't an imaginative creation. It's a product. Shaky-cam is to camerawork what shake and bake is to cuisine. Fortunately, it seems to be phasing-out. Though, it is a trend that is begrudgingly slow to die.

The Weird   

Bizarre TV Team-Ups
-Phil Collins and Emo Phillips on Miami Vice…possibly introduced by Weird Al?
(Season 2 Ep 12 "Phil the Shill")

-Paul Sorvino with the cast of Star Trek TNG…talk about a space opera…
(Season 7 Ep 13 "Homeward")

-Katey Sagal, Iggy Pop and Sam Kinison on Tales From The Crypt-(LINK)
(Season 2 Ep 8 "For Crying Out Loud")

-Gilbert Gottfried and Ryan Gosling on Nickelodeon's Are You Afraid of the Dark?
…watch these stars finally reunite as conjoined-twin-cops in 2014's "Double Homicide." (This film is not yet real.)
(Season 5 Episode 2 "The Tale of Station 109.1")

-Gorgeous Genius Geena Davis and David "Der Cheeseburger" Hasselhoff.
(Knight Rider Season 2 Ep 7 "K.I.T.T. the Cat")

-Yvonne "Batgirl" Craig and Telly Savalas…"who loves ya, baby?"
(Kojak Season 1 Ep 8 "Dark Sunday")

Things are getting better- because they're getting worse.
Toilet Theater's just around the bend. Makin' it to the streets. See you there. 

-2013 Wielgorecki

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