Wednesday, August 28, 2013

81 Piss-Poor Poetry Part II: Action Series

I guess this didn't become a regular thing. The first one sucked. Crappy poetry is, in and of itself, unlikeable. Poems are like the fast food of literature. At least mine are. I put it here for shits n gigglys. I take no serious stance on stanzas. Maybe someday, long after my death, some idiot will think I'm brilliant. There are a lot of good, dead, poets. Yeah. They're dead. Wrote good. Me, not. So? Think of my poetry as the action movie you want to see INSTEAD of Dead Poet's Society. Get drunk ass hell and read it up. For your Action...

Punchy McPooPoo
Punchy McPooPoo
Was a fully grown man
That punched out Honey BooBoo
He ran from the cops
But that sucka got dropped
Now inmates ride him like a choo-choo.

Garden of the Gods by Connie Tom
Colorado Is A Lady
Ah love Colorado
Land of tough beasts
Land of the botto
Where you can get blotto
Eat great avocado
It's as fun as a funotto
DaVinci with Sfumato
Kung Fu eyed in the grato
If you leave
Leave like you won the love lotto
Heart like a Mountain
Ah love Colorado.

Fly On Your Way
Be an Eagle 
Be a Jet
Points of the Sky
Already set
Keep extra lightning
Absorb every watt
The battle is won
Before it is fought
Before even the very first fire is shot
Fly on your way
Fly low
Don't get caught.

Iga Ueno Spring 2012
All Are None Are All
A friend of the fire
A language of life
The charge in a wire
Both day and night
The family fabric
Cut from the same cloth
Everything is the same thing
Both fire and frost
The living go dead to make way for more living
The only thing greater than creating is giving.

Sandwich w/Chips & Pickle
Was that a bird chirping
or a low battery signal?
Perhaps it was both
They are multi-lingual
Is that just the crickets 
Or an alarm arming?
Who cares 
Lets go home
I'm fucking starving.

actual die-cast bottle-opener
Party Army
There's a commando in my brain.
And he will stop at nothing
To make sure that I always laugh
And celebrate my fucking
Through explosions of rejection
and jerky chickens clucking
The commando always makes it through
That little fucker's lucky
God bless you
Commando in my brain
A funny friend worth trusting
You are a tiny crazy tank impervious to rusting.

Pinballistic Plastique
Volatile spinning
Bouncing around time tunnel arcade lights
Smoke cured surfaces
A lake of space
None can say
If there are choices
At all
An unstable substance
Take comfort in never knowing
Enjoy invisible balance
Violent peace
It moves faster than we can see 
All collapse
The machine that is the universe
has no diagram
It is alive
Like a yogurt
Made of energy
Stir that shit
Light that shit

Just so you know, funotto is like a real big shitload of fun. Especially in the Summertime. Have a nice tall glass of white lightnin' lemonade, enjoy a day of fishin' & whittlin', eatin' cracklin' oats and chewin' tandoori goats on crab-shrimpin' boats. Fuck complete sentences. Just go outside and enjoy action. Action!

-2013 Wielgorecki

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