Sunday, July 28, 2013

75 Toilet Theater Presents...

Loose Stool Cannons

The mean streets. Round the corner- fudge is made. In these waters, you're either a shark, faster than a shark…or prey. You better pray, if you want to survive in the anus-steam-scented alleyways, colorectal rooftops, or shit-slick streets of these films. Call 'em tough guys, street guys, wise guys, knock around guys, or whatever. It don't matter. Here are some movies that are so hard-boiled, they smell kinda eggy. Don't get it twisted. These turds are hard. This bowl is harder…

Renegades (1989)
Written by a dude who also wrote a couple MacGuyver episodes, and directed by a dude who wrote and directed Jack Palance's dark vehicle, Alone In The Dark, Renegades is a hard-shootin' shitstorm of macho ass-piss. Kiefer channels the last of his youthful exuberance into a crybaby badass character he would never abandon again. Mr. Diamond Phillips is not Lakota. He's like an 1/8 Cherokee and 7/8 L.A. actor. Jamie Gertz is, as always, hilarious as the materialistic hot chick with dead eyes. It also has that T-Bagger dude from Prison Break, a show that sucked hard for 4 seasons on Fox.

The Lakota people are native to what we know today as North and South Dakota. Black Elk, was a Heyoka, or Comedian-spirit as well as a shaman to the Oglala Lakota in the late 1800s. Throughout his life he had many prophetic visions. Red Cloud was another famous Oglala Lakota. He was a warrior chief from that time. He famously defended the Wyoming/Montana Powder River Region alongside the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes in what became known as Red Cloud's War. The most famous warriors of the Lakota tribe were Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull.

Do yourself a favor and go read about the REAL Lakota people and The Great Sioux Nation. Whether it's for education or entertainment, their history, spirituality and mythology beat the living shit out of the mean-street-shamanism and stunt gangster antics of Renegades. Bring a book if you plan to pass this turd. It seems longer than it is. I recommend Black Elk Speaks by John Niehardt.

No More Dirty Deals (1993)
No more dirty deals? In Florida? Are you fucking kidding me? Take a poo shaped like USA's Silk Stalkings. Then, take another one shaped like TNT's Thunder in Paradise with a twist of Son of Lemmon. Put these poops in a blender with some gasoline baywater and mix until smooth. Now shrink yourself down to the size of a little green army man and ride a little toy boat around your doo-daiqueri. This is the only way to truly simulate the experience of viewing this sunscreen fart bubble of a film without seeing it.

This movie features sex scenes and a strip club WITHOUT nudity. The strip joint features boxing match and thong shot mash-up music videos. Thankfully, the thong shots are all chicks. The muting of all profanity in this film was also pretty annoying. (Truthfully, I think this movie might have had the ol' Blockbuster treatment long ago and uncensored versions may no longer exist.) Even though it shows no real explicit material of any kind, NMDD still manages to really pour on the sleaze. You will probably get a good laugh out of just how much sleaze can be squeezed out of the grease-saturated "talent" in this aimless tropical crime cheese. Astounding.

The sound effects and music are where this grease really shines. The music was provided by Tampa FL's own Stranger, the greatest band that ever played songs for this movie. (LINK)         

Hitman's Run (1999)
I am a big Mark Lester fan. Commando is still one of the greatest action movies made. Firestarter, Armed and Dangerous, and Class of 1984 are all also killer classics. This movie is shit. Blame it on Eric Roberts if you want. Take the easy way out. The truth is that Eric Roberts is actually a decent actor who's own irresponsibility got the better of him when he was young. His only crime was loving the smell of cocaine too much. He didn't ruin this particular movie. He didn't make it better by any means, but he didn't ruin it.

The one who sprayed shit all over this one was the kid. A fucktard stereotype of what Hollywood thought a rebellious teen was in 1999, played by Dazed, Confused, spankboy and TV actor, Esteban Powell. The trouble with him playing a teen was that he was 23, and looked almost 30. He was more annoying than any teenager you'll ever meet, and he was supposed to be a super-smart hacker dude. The problem with this was that the character really just wasn't equipped with the dialogue to convince anyone he wasn't an idiot, nor was he played by an actor capable of such persuasion. In the end you end up with a hitman, with an insipid sidekick, with the runs.

Doomsdayer (2000)
AKA Spyboner. These hard asses aren't from the streets. They are from top secret training facilities. This is the greatest spy thriller ever made. The guy in it looks like a live-action Archer. The chick looks a bit like Tera Patrick and is just as good an actress. No film has ever contrasted the horrors of war with the sweaty erotic love all male and female spies share so exquisitely. Not only is this triumph of action and suspense the greatest espionage film to date, it also proves (once again) that hands-free telephone headsets are the sexiest and most technologically advanced headgear a person can wear.

The Escape (1997)
Dempsey sucks. He didn't learn shit from Can't Buy Me Love. In this dump that closely resembles 1993's The Fugitive, with Harrison Ford, we see a late 90s Dempsey still running uphill, trying too hard to be one of those popular kids. At the top of that hill was Grey's Anatomy and all of the sexually repressed cunts who stare at it. If Dempsey's rise is what you have to go through to be one of those popular people why would anyone ever bother? Even if they accept you, you're still that dork underneath. You'll never really be one of them. You shit on our house, Dempsey. You shit on yourself. You are Ronald fucking Miller. You can never escape.

The harder Hollywood squeezes, the harder they fall, one and all. I may pick a few more up and show 'em to ya on the next Toilet Theater...

      -2013 Wielgorecki

Friday, July 19, 2013

74 Poop-Culture Phenomena...

Poop-Culture wants you sick and dumb, living like a blissful, obedient, insect. Poop-Culture wants you to believe you are a part of some greater human collective. There is no greater collective. There are individuals, groups, and their agendas. Nothing more. Poop-Culture wants to show you things you've seen before, in new ways. And, by the way, Poop-Culture also wants to tell you about some great offers and deals. We all know that 99.999% of everything on TV is crap, and we love it. We expect the same poo-hoagie we've been served since childhood so that's what they give us, and we eat that shit. We eat it every time. Over years, like GMO's, consumption of Poop-Culture can alter your DNA and make you more like it. You are what your brain eats. Don't eat shit. Remember, we are all alone together. Eliminate the ninnies and the twits. Information is not communication. There are only people and their motives. There is no culture. There is no collective. There is no Utopia. Only poop. The Great Poo-dopia. AKA: TV-land.

The Good

YouTube Jewel: Ricky Gervais Channel
Check out Learn Guitar with David Brent. With songs like Life On The Road, Oh La La, Spaceman Came Down, Free Love Freeway, and the latest and greatest track- Ain't No Trouble featuring the one and only Dom Johnson- an MC who also rhymed on Brent's music video- Equality Street. (LINK

The Bad

Plunder the Dumb
Oh crap. My town is Under the Dumb. If it was just a dome, you could dig under it. It must be an orb, if it ever hopes to contain the townspeople. One thing is for sure, it's big, it's dumb, and people fucking love it. Remind you of anyone? (Tim Tebow) If you watch too many shows like Under the Dumb, you will become dumb. You will also probably become more of an asshole too, in defense of that Dome-ass show you like. Don't be a cheese-maze rat. Don't watch Under the Dumb. It's bad for your dome. Read the book.   

Target: Bullshit University
OK, Target made this Truman Show inspired thing on some college campus. It looks like a bunch of blocks, but it is actually some see-thru dorms. Nothing ever happens on Target's Truman Show. Know why? It's because no one will ever think it's cool to be on a fucking department store commercial. Stores like Target and their brethren, are part of what's wrong with the world today. They contribute to the black hole of greed, narcissism, and ignorant materialism that many kids suffer from into early adulthood. They figure: "College kids are stupid as fuck. We can just set up some bullshit on a college campus and those idiots will help us cool-up our image and give us free advertising." Pretty sneaky, even more stupid. I'm just happy to see that it's failing.
"…and these children that you spit on, as they try to change their world, are immune to your consultation, they're quite aware of what they're going through." Buh-buh-buh-Bullseye.

Shaky Camera Shit Through The Ages
Hey, wanna puke? Go turn out all your lights and watch these shows. Thanks for all the shaky camera shit- 
Dr. Who
Homicide: Life on the Street
Every CSI
Battlestar Galactica
Person of Interest
Too many movies to list..
and just about every recent Vampire/Werewolf piece of TV shit made.
Shaky-cam shows a lack of artistic vision. It let's the viewer know: "Hey. Fuck you. We just wanted to get this shit out on the street. So what if it looks like shit? Give us money. Watch it. Get sick. We don't care." Yep, that's exactly what it says every time some "filmmaker" swings their fuckin' cameras around. You need control to create real chaos on film. It's about creating chaos in the MIND of the viewer isn't it? (The Office pulled this off, even WITH the shaky-cam) Many directors know this, but do shaky-cam shit anyway. This is because what they're making isn't an imaginative creation. It's a product. Shaky-cam is to camerawork what shake and bake is to cuisine. Fortunately, it seems to be phasing-out. Though, it is a trend that is begrudgingly slow to die.

The Weird   

Bizarre TV Team-Ups
-Phil Collins and Emo Phillips on Miami Vice…possibly introduced by Weird Al?
(Season 2 Ep 12 "Phil the Shill")

-Paul Sorvino with the cast of Star Trek TNG…talk about a space opera…
(Season 7 Ep 13 "Homeward")

-Katey Sagal, Iggy Pop and Sam Kinison on Tales From The Crypt-(LINK)
(Season 2 Ep 8 "For Crying Out Loud")

-Gilbert Gottfried and Ryan Gosling on Nickelodeon's Are You Afraid of the Dark?
…watch these stars finally reunite as conjoined-twin-cops in 2014's "Double Homicide." (This film is not yet real.)
(Season 5 Episode 2 "The Tale of Station 109.1")

-Gorgeous Genius Geena Davis and David "Der Cheeseburger" Hasselhoff.
(Knight Rider Season 2 Ep 7 "K.I.T.T. the Cat")

-Yvonne "Batgirl" Craig and Telly Savalas…"who loves ya, baby?"
(Kojak Season 1 Ep 8 "Dark Sunday")

Things are getting better- because they're getting worse.
Toilet Theater's just around the bend. Makin' it to the streets. See you there. 

-2013 Wielgorecki

Sunday, July 14, 2013

73 NerdPostXclusive: Arcade Archives

Rolling Thunder
Awesome playthrough by msi1022 @ LINK
He's James Bond, Our Man Flint, Bullitt, and maybe even, a young, slim Robert Blake. No matter who he is, he is most definitely the dude from Rolling Thunder, a classic side-scrolling shooter from Atari/Namco/Bandai. Rolling Thunder had super-smooth controls, but was a nerve-challenging game that put your reflex speed and even temper TO THE TEST!! RORINGU SANDA!! ALBATROSS... GO!! GO GUN-BUSTER! SHOOT! SHOOT! JUMP FAST, SPY-KING! SAVE SEXY-BABY!!

    -2013 Wielgorecki 

Monday, July 8, 2013

72 Twinkies: You Can't Keep A Good Kid Down.

Zombie "The Kid" by Corpsecomic @ (LINK)
He has inside him, Blood of Kings...(LINK)

People love sugar. Some people associate their first remembered sugar-highs as a happy nostalgic window to their lost innocence. Some people just plain love the shit out of sugar. One of the spongiest, cremiest, cheapest ways to shoot your blood up with sugar was the Twinkie. In 2012, in a showdown with Stephen King's Gunslinger, Twinkie the Kid was gunned down by the Universe-jumping, Arthurian, cowpoke. Of course he was. He was Twinkie the Kid. Dude was soft. They buried what was left of The Kid, behind a Target in Rahway NJ, only when they went to check the coffin 3 days later- it was empty.

Like Jesus, Machiavelli, and Fist of the North Star's Kenshiro, Twinkies return from the dead July 15th.

-2013 Wielgorecki

Friday, July 5, 2013

71 The Lone Ranger vs Superman: Hi-Ho, Kryptonite.

When I was a little kid, I had 2 favorite heroes. They were the Lone Ranger and Superman. Between the ages of 3-4, I almost always wore a "cape" (usually a towel my Mom fastened with a clothespin or safety pin) to run around the yard in. I also had a c-boy hat, mask and toy six-shooter too, and like all kids, I loved yelling out a hearty "Hi Ho, SILVER!" Superman was awesome to my kid self for one main reason- he could fly. I still wish I could fly. Who doesn't? That shit would be the coolest. As for the Lone Ranger, the fascination was with the mask. How a person could do justice, without anyone ever knowing their identity "Who was that masked man? He saved our whole town." Without the mask, the Ranger would just be another damn cowboy. "Never take off mask."

These two heroes have been resurrected again this summer at the movies. Duh. I saw them both this week.

The Lone Ranger (2013)
I went to see this at the Alamo Drafthouse in Littleton, which is the coolest movie theater I've ever been to. When you go see a movie at Alamo, you must adhere to a strict code of silence, but you are rewarded with being able to order Beer, Burgers, Snacks etc. during your movie from the awesome ninja waitresses who will bring them to your...TABLE? Yup, you get a table, and big-ass comfortable chairs too. The Beer selection is fantastic, and it "ain't no paper cup, I'm talkin' bout a glass of beer." Plus, pre-movie, they show cartoons and custom video mash-ups which are related to the film you're about to see, rather than lame-ass promotions for shit you don't care about.

Alamo's pre-Movie offerings: A Quick Draw McGraw cartoon. Fred Foy doing the old radio show intro. Old General Mills cereal commercials with Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels. A mash-up featuring the old (1980) cartoon that got me into Lone Ranger in the first place (not the best animation in cartoon history), a few ads- including an awesome Cheerios one, a crazy Tostinos one, and some hilarious clips from Ricky Gervais, Warwick Davis, and Stephen Merchant's killer show, Life's Too Short, featuring Tonto.

I won't shoot off any spoilers, but, I would tell anyone going to see this as an adult to tap into their inner, little kid brain before it starts. Otherwise, you'll get annoyed with the cute Disney shit. Despite the Disneyness of it, Lone Ranger is pretty brutal for a kid's flick. It takes a lot more to scare today's kids, it's good to see adventure films like this that have adapted accordingly. It was a smart move to bring in director Gore Verbinski for this one. Regardless of his overindulgence with the "Pirates" series (I blame studio greed.) Verbinski is a fantastic director. Disney, of course, wants to associate him only with their recent films, but he also directed the American version of The Ring (2002), and my favorite semi-recent Nicky C flick, 2005's Com-Drahm, The Weather Man.

This was a lot of fun. Seeing it at the Alamo Drafthouse made it even better. The Lone Ranger, though hypothetically pitiful in a fight against Superman, is by far the superior of the 2 films.

Geek Twins Chart Illustrated by Maurice Mitchell

Superman (2013)
Dat Ho. Brought to you by IHOP, Sears, Nokia, and others under the GE/Universal umbrella. OK. I had an inkling that British Superman was going to suck. (see post 60...The Politics of Superhero Monkey Dancin') I will start this major-spoiler-free, nega-peek at this corn-pone, white-bred, wet dream of a movie with the little praise I can offer it...Superman flying looks cool as shit. Superman battling Zod and his minions (when they were fighting) looked bad ass. Also, Larry Fishburne was cool as black Perry White...what if they called him Barry White, instead? They had a little bit of good humor in it. Very little. I was also glad to see quality actors like Chris Meloni and Michael Shannon gettin' that paper. Those dudes kick ass.


OK. Where the fuck is the Kryptonite? Where's Luthor? Where's Brainiac? Zod again? What the fuck is this "Codex?" Why is Lois Lane, fake-Pam from the Office? When was Superman a fuckin seaman on a crab boat? They had all that money. Were they just shitting on Supes, on purpose? If it was designed as a middle finger to Siegel & Shuster it is a triumph. I'm all for tearing down the mythos of a character and semi re-inventing their look. Comic books do this all the time. It can be done well. You can possibly even take some liberties with the character's timeline and origin story or add to them in ways that make the character more interesting or current (see Frank Miller). This movie tried to do all these things at once, and condense the Richard Donner's 1 and 2 into one film. This was achieved. Painstakingly bloatedly achieved.

What to expect: If you go see Superman, it's kind of like flying to London to get a cheeseburger at a McDonald's. Expect to see a whiny little bitch Superman (ala Bale's Bateman...I mean Batman...) Expect to be treated by the dialogue, as if you are as smart as a dog. Expect the timeline to jump around a lot. Expect blatant product placement. Expect enormous plot-holes to be explained in one sentence. FLASHBACK: Expect the timeline to jump around a lot. Expect repetition. Expect to leave with a gut full of goopy-cheesey British-made Americana sloshing around in your bloody American stomach. Expect to be beaten over the head with the names Kal El and Jor El. Superman is KAL El. His Dad is JOR El. Get it? Get it?? GET IT??? Expect bad ass special effects. Expect more repetition.

Eat my Kryptonite Fee-ist, Bee-itch.
As I sat there like a rabbit in the hd lights, I was reminded of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Like those were, Superman is in need of a serious fanEdit. It could probably be cut to like 20 minutes (it's 143) if you cut out all the sappy farm family bullshit. They really hook your mouth up to the shit-hose with that. Suck it, America. British Spiderman, British Bateman...I mean Batman, British Superman....American Sherlock Holmes?? More on all that another time.

It seems like the Superman movie franchise is truly cursed. Richard Donner, Brian Singer, and now, Zack Snyder. All great directors. All trying to be artistic, true, and fair to this great, legendary, beloved character. A fictitious space-man, who is in many ways, an international symbol of hope, and the belief that we can all be Super men and women when the chips are down, and lives are on the line. Superman is The Ultimate Alien Samaritan. I would have loved to see some other DC characters make cameos. Batman or Green Lantern could've been on TV. They could've introduced the Flash, or at least Barry Allen, pre-lightning. A hint of Doomsday would've even been cool. How about a wild card, like Deathstroke, Martian Manhunter, or Cyborg? Nothin'? How are we ever going to have a Justice League movie? Ving Rhames as Darksied, baby.

J. Kirby's Darksied 
I think the reason for the Superman curse, is because it is such an iconic character. Every time a big film of it goes into production, you automatically get too many cooks in the kitchen. We all love Superman. Everyone remembers their first impression of him. Mine was George Reeves in rerun, Christopher Reeve, and the old Max and Dave Fleicher cartoons (to me, still the best Superman productions to date). But I was hoping this re-invented Superman would make up for in action, what I was sure it would lack in even semi-cerebral storytelling. It really didn't. There was just too much unecessary crap. Too much overdevelopment of shit people already knew. WITHIN the movie. I'm sure that was to accomodate a sequel that's probably already in pre-production.

If you think I'm being biased because I'm an American, and it was just the 4th of July this week, you're wrong. I hated Brian Singer's version too, although Kevin Spacey was rad as Luthor.

Watch out for Kryptonite. Watch out for snakes.
Happy trails, Kemosabes.

-2013 Wielgorecki