Sunday, September 9, 2012

3 Football! facebook! Poop! Hut-HUT!!

Well, the NFL season is underway. Watching now, as fans leave the stands in Kansas City before their game ends. It's way too soon to write anything about any teams yet. Sadly, I am a lifetime Bears fan so I am used to constant and consistent heartbreak which usually makes for whiny, boring, ranting writing. Also, personally, I really don't give enough of a shit to write much of anything about any sport (other than MMA, boxing, skateboarding, stunt driving, pro-wrestling or roller derby). It's like- I go to the toilet, I take a shit, but there just isn't much there in the bowl, y'know? I give a shit. Just not much of one. I will leave the those wildly-fluxuating blood pressures and the task of documenting these wasted emotions to all the terrible, self-appointed, fan sports writers out there. Blog on, you superjock nut sack swingers.

Ah, facebook. I, like every other jerkwad and God in the world, have a damn facebook page. I even have one for my dog. Ridiculous. It's my second time on there. I had one a few years ago, but erased it because it seemed really pointless when I was engaged and moving to Durango, CO in an unnecessarily accelerated attempt to settle down, and create some offspring. Obviously, none of this came to pass. My fiance left and I wandered around San Francisco and Japan a little. Some of my dreams came true, but it was bittersweet. I realized, like Joe Strummer did, that "...without people, you're nothing." So after a little deluded vacation with the wrong ideas about love, followed by some time alone and abroad, I came back. It was nice to have contact again with my kick-ass friends. I realized, I may not be a total dick after all. This time it is all about quality. Fuck quantity.

Once on there again, I posted some stuff that I thought was really funny but that obviously no one else "liked" or thought was funny at all. What I think would be really funny is to see the master "wall" and see all the horrible shit that gets posted on there. Since I don't have the hacking ability to access this great wall of brain diarrhea, I decided to create my own shit-bricks to contribute.

It's The Year 2012: David Letterman is an ancient monkey puppet. Loyal only to his powerful/evil CBS benefactors, I'm sure their show has had a similar list at some point. It's not like those assholes invented the top 10 list. Here's the top 10 list of the all-time worst facebook wall posts. (until the next list)

10 - Just got back from the urologist…looks like I won't need those dick pills after all...STOKED!!

9 - We had to murder this hooker bcuz she kept threatening Greg's kid, lol. 
(includes pic of murdered prostitute) 

8 - Just won the lottery. Here's my social…
(includes social security #)

7 - Got fired today…. Whaasssaaaaap?!?

6 - What I came to today. 
(imbeds porn vid)

5 - Day 4: still out hunting with the guys…things are getting REALLY weird.

4 - I see red people. 
(includes pic of Native Americans drinking on reservation)

3 - Happy Birthday, Pee-Paw!!! 
(includes pic of grandfather's grave)

2 - Where's my keyboard? How am I typing this??

1 - When I shat in the shower this morn, I was prone on my belly, and the slop shot up high and landed hot, slapping down on my back skin.

Offensive? Yes. Gross? You betcha. You read it. You can't unread it HAHAHAHAHA!
Have a great week, America. I love you.

UPDATE: After about a month on facebook, I deactivated the account...I believe that facebook is a waste of my time at best and an incubator for Big Brother at worst. I am sure I won't be missed.

-2012 Wielgorecki

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