Monday, September 3, 2012

2 Those Lovable American Sociopaths

OK- this is an unedited version of an article that's going to be in the mag. It's my speculations as to the secret lives of some (of what I think are) sociopathic celebrities....

Those Loveable American Sociopaths

Everyone is aware of the power of celebrity. Somehow or another (demographically) we are as a society, all guilty of building people up into media gods. We give them influence and privilege far beyond what almost every unknown citizen will ever experience. I believe that most celebrities are just as- and possibly far more- corrupt than any politician or even career criminals can be.

The story of ex-skater Mark "Gator" Rogowski bears repeating here. He was a semi-famous professional vert skateboarder back in the 1980s. At age 20, when everyone is cocky anyway, Gator got away with punching a cop at MT Trashmore in Virginia Beach. This along with an instant rocket to fame and privilege, its inevitable crash, a failed relationship, and a warped sense of religious faith led Mark to brutally rape and murder a friend of his ex's, stuff her body in a surfboard bag and dump her remains in the desert. Sometimes, narcissistic egos unchecked can lead to psychopathy, and sociopathy which always perpetuate to some form of abuse.
Anyone, today, with an interest in obtaining celebrity for themselves definitely requires narcissism and possibly (in today's mad dash for it) sociopathy. I realize that there is no science or fact to back up the theories I will present here. I will start now by saying that everything I write here is based on the spectral evidence of my own instinct. These are just ideas. I have no hard evidence to back up these theories whatsoever nor do I ever intend to look for any. Rest easy, ye glamourous jackals.
I believe that many famous and financially powerful people have definitely committed (or been complicit in) the act of rape, murder and body disposal. I do not believe I am alone or naive in this belief. I also believe that the act of murder is something that marks a person spiritually. Through simply looking at photos, filtering rumors and paying close attention to real facts I have formed the following theories about these celebrities and their possible crimes…

Donald Trump- This man is, to be fair, a failed megalomaniac. He also might've fucked his daughter. Having watched many people attempt to interview this man I have repeatedly seen him storm out on them as soon as the slightest question is raised against his decisions or if he senses in any way that he is being (justifiably-in my opinion) scrutinized. He sees himself as perfect. He deems his own judgement to be infallible. This is the definition of a "god-complex" is it not? 

I am sure that a person as wealthy and powerful as he was in the 1980's would have had no problem getting rid of anyone he wished. I could easily see him having trouble with a woman, her laughing, and subsequently being abused possibly to the point of death for it. How many rival NY businessmen were murdered or ruined otherwise by the direct and/or indirect methods of Trump's thirsty ambition?    

The way this man has treated his employees over the decades is very similar to how abusive racist redneck contractors treat immigrant labor. His love of control, exploitation, and manipulation runs so deep he has a TV series to showcase it. I think the real question is not IF this man has killed, sponsored murder, or raped- but how many times he's done it and got away with it. It's also possible he just has a really tiny dick.

Kiefer Sutherland- If you look at pictures taken of this man from the past 25 years you can see a marked change in his facial demeanor. Young Keifer is bright-eyed and cheerful. This was also reflected in his slightly overzealous but stellar acting at that time. If you look at the modern Keifer that light has long gone out. He rarely smiles in photos, now. Not to mention his violent and erratic public outbursts of rage since reentering the spotlight thanks to 24. (the show that made Bush-era America OK with torturing Arabs.) Some may attribute this to aging and being jaded by fickle Hollywood. I believe, however, that it goes a little deeper. 

After the movie Flatliners, (and throughout the 1990's) Sutherland was cast in increasingly more obscure and darker roles. [The characters of Ace (Stand By Me) and David (Lost Boys), while dark, were more anti-heroes than villains.] He may have simply grown as an actor and was trying to challenge himself. It is also possible he had a growing darkness inside and fit easily into those roles because he wasn't acting at all. He was reenacting. I don't believe that he is a dyed-in-the-wool sociopath. I do think it is very very possible that (perhaps while "researching" his role for Flatliners?) he did something, or maybe several things that were very very wrong which cast a cold sallow darkness over this once vibrant actor. If you think I'm crazy, just try to picture him killing beating or raping someone, in real life, as himself- it's not a stretch at all, is it?  

Tom Seizmore- Is there any doubt at all that this man has definitely killed a woman? I don't think there should be. As an out-of-control junkie and regular patron of hookers for about 20 years now, Tom Seizmore (as seen on TV w/ Dr. Drew) is a total fucking wreck. He acts extremely elusive as if he is an actual fugitive. On a long enough timeline, indulging heavily in drugs and whores can lead to overdoses and rough sex accidents at the least (see Led Zeppelin). At worst, paranoid delusions resulting from drug overuse can drive people to intentionally harm torture and even murder people. Especially when you are a big star suffering from severe narcissistic rage and some hooker you've objectified and possibly injured can or does threaten your fame and success. (see L.T. and O.J.)

I feel fairly certain that this man is a multiple murderer/rapist who will never be brought to justice because of formerly-powerful friends like Heidi Fleiss, because the evidence no longer exists, because of Saving Private Ryan and because this man will kill himself with drugs before ever confessing. I don't believe Tom started out a sociopath, killer or rapist. I believe the combination of instant super-fame and a temporarily unlimited drug supply drove him from a slightly psychopathic actor into a possibly predatory and reptilian murderer/rapist. To the sociopath the #1 concern is to not get caught. Whatever Tom and/ or Heidi did to the sad and confused girls they had at their disposal in the mid-late 90's is any one's guess. My guess is that it involved a lot of suffering. The real tragedy is that not only did they get away with it but they may even still be doing it.  

Charlie Sheen- Also plugged into Fleiss' former network. Everything I said about Seizmore is pretty much true here except for the lamist activity. Instead of running from exposure, Charlie runs toward it. He exhibits every sign of an extreme sociopath. I think that he is a much more highly glorified and successful version of the aforementioned "Gator"Rogowski story. The difference being that Sheen has probably gotten away with a larger quantity and even greater severity of crimes over a much longer timeline simply because of who he is. 

Mel Gibson- Not a true American. Although quick to be labelled a "patriot". Mel is a talented and intelligent, iconic actor turned mega-mogul producer/director. He is possibly the most famous, highest functioning sociopath ever. Only in recent years, with the world dominated by instant information, has evidence of the abusive, racist, sexist and anti-Semitic tendencies of this blockbuster king bubbled to the surface. "I don't involve the police in anything because I stand up for myself…" or "I'll put you in a fucking rose garden you cunt. You understand that? Because I am capable of it." Why didn't anyone dig up this guy's rose gardens? The way he tells it there's all kind of dead "cunts" in there. 

It makes me wonder: who was the first person he killed? When? How? I'm sure each subsequent one was easier for him. With all the money and influence he has in Hollywood, there was probably once a time when he could use the streets of LA like the Mayans used Jaguar Paw's buddies in Apocalypto. Is it really that hard to picture him killing a doped-up homeless guy in Compton one night, crazed, bored, looking for sick kicks? 

This man's cinematic beginnings and the films that made him a living icon were Austrailan exploitation films. These were some of the most ridiculously murder and rape-filled movies ever made. These are his roots. His own films are cinematically impressive but always brutal and depict scenes of gruesome torture and violence which obviously fascinate and most probably arouse him. (See South Park) It was America and it's love of violence that created this powerful monster. It's all our fault. Even if exposed, Mel's movies would still survive and possibly become even more popular. I would still watch them too. Fuck. 

Axl Rose- No question about it. Axl is both sociopathic and psychopathic. A fragile, violent ego, seemingly unlimited narcissistic rage, and extreme body/self-image obsession. Not to mention that he was reportedly sexually and physically (and retroactively mentally and emotionally) abusive to every woman he had serious relationships with. This is probably due to the fact that he was abused himself. In GN'R's first interview with Rolling Stone he stated that his absentee father raped him at the age of 2. If he hadn't become a rock star he would have definitely been a 'trench coat mafia" type kid in his hometown of Jerkwater, USA.

I am of the belief that he has definitely killed for anger and probably for fun too. Most likely he used random groupies for this. I would say he definitely indulged in this type of activity only after he became rich and famous and most likely with no remorse whatsoever. He won't even talk to anyone about how he fucked over his former bandmates-it is probable his skeletons will go to the grave with him. 

Brad Renfro- Let me start by saying, this kid was a victim. Most likely that of pedophiles. I don't think he necessarily killed any people at all. The reason he makes this list is because I think he may have seen and been a part of some extremely horrible things. He seems to reflect LA's incurable infinite sociopathy.  Yet another casualty of the emotionally/sexually abusive Hollywood meat machine.

The last film he made before he died was the very awful 2008 depiction of the Brett Easton Ellis novel, "The Informers". (Originally written in 1983-ish) The scene in which his character helps a child in the movie goes quite differently in the literary vignette. In the book (SPOILER ALERT!) Renfro's character assists in the graphic murder and disposal of a young boy who was supposed to be sold as a sex slave. Was this too close to home?

Did this kid grow up too fast and see too many of the horrors of the real Hollywood? Is it possible that his impeccable talent for dramatic acting was based on his ability to channel his real despair? What did he do? Or, more importantly, what did he see done? The bottom line is that no one will ever know because he probably killed himself because of it.

Christian Bale- Also, not an American, but how could he not make this list? His fantastic depiction of Ellis's Patrick Bateman character in 2000's American Psycho was CB's ticket to the fame train. Now he has played another psychotic rich guy and gotten even more famous. His bullying rage-fueled outbursts and strained (possibly violent) maternal relationship on anyone else would be hugely disconcerting. But he's famous. Again, I pose the question: Is it hard to imagine this man losing it? Why was his Bateman so unbelievably believable? How deep does that character go? It seems that the character definitely obsessed its creator. In some of his later pseudo-bio works Ellis is stalked by Bateman or a hallucinatory facsimile thereof. Is it plausible that the character similarly affected Bale? I have personally spoken with other people on this subject and almost unanimously people agree that his portrayal of Batman/Bruce Wayne reeks of Bateman.

Bale, now, is much richer and more well-connected than the character he once portrayed. I don't think it is very unreasonable to consider that he may indulge (even out of psychotic curiosity) in some of the same behavior. Also, if someone is a good actor, doesn't that make them a good liar? How hard would it be for this guy to lie and be believed? 

I think the celebrity mind is possibly inherently sociopathic. Look at the recent stories just coming to light about Natalie Wood. She was a famous person too. Yet her mysterious death and possible rape were extremely intriguing stories both buried deep in the Tinsel Town dirt because of who was allegedly involved. (Kirk Douglas-rape?, Christopher Walken-murder?)

A deluded sense of entitlement and narcissistic rage MUST be common in people who's livelihood is based on their popularity and public image. Especially when everyone around them is reinforcing all their mental illnesses and enabling their addictions. It is truly disturbing to speculate as to what some of their addictions could be. It is even more disturbing to realize that because their of fame, wealth and power, that these addictions will continue to be fed unchecked.

That's the end of the article. "Hope you enjoyed the ride..."

                                                                 -2012 Wielgorecki

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