Saturday, September 29, 2012

8 Hate-Date: Why Dating Still Sucks in 2012

NOTE: These are all my opinions. They are presented dogmatically, and based entirely on my own real experiences. I am a weird, nerdy, older guy who (I've been told) is stuck, very much, in my "dreamer" mentality. This is why I am alone, re-watching "Story of Riki" for the 20th time tonight, while writing a blog no one reads, rather than enjoying the loving embrace and laughter of a wonderful, pragmatic woman. Please don't mistake any of this as an attempt of any kind to give advice. Such an endeavor would be pretty fucking comical.

"Twix: 2 for me, none for you."

I believe this ad campaign came out around 1997. This is just a nano-indication of the collective mentality of the youth of the latter day 20th century. Sharing is bad. Caring is bad. Total self absorption is mandatory and "cool". By 2000 we (America, mostly) had more than just adopted this thinking. It had become instinct for many. Including especially the weak-willed, closed, and simple-minded. The shallow, and cheap-souled were held aloft, celebrated and idolized. All one had to do to be considered an "artist" was to take without giving and look good while doing it. 

Flash forward: 2012. Not much has changed at all. These facile values are still the cornerstones of the Nintendo and Super Nintendo (or "Internet") generations' general collective consciousnesses. Public image, and lifestyle obsession are still paramount. Affluence and nihilism are still, somehow, ignorantly equated with some imaginary form of talent. However, in the sordid chronicles of human history, this is nothing at all new.

There are exceptions to this, of course. There have been, are, and always will be people who choose to create their own value-systems, lifestyles and philosophies rather than to have them spoon fed. They soar like hawks above those poor cattle who are constantly being herded to the next trendy slaughterhouse of the mind. It would be very easy to name multiple, specific parties of both varieties, but, I feel like this would deviate from the point of this particular, pointless writ.

Dating really does suck. Especially for straight men in 2012, USA. Internet dating. Real-life dating. (the old fashioned kind where you actually, in-person, ask out a girl you like, yourself…remember that?) Most of the time, you are going to go out of your way to meet someone who doesn't like you. It's just like any other job interview, or audition. Thanks to all the misogynistic, date-rapist, lurk-nasty, douches still out there who stalk the bars of America with GHB, fratty grunts, and worn, well-bent ball caps, women today (perhaps necessarily) screen their dates super hard. You may as well bring a criminal background check and resume with you. I wish this was an exaggeration.

Also, lots of 21st century women suffer from a severe goddess complex. Even women who should maybe have a little humility are ballooned out of control with egotism. This complex is fed by the desperate, pussy-men of today who seem to have no limit in the depth of their own self-submission. Opinions? Forget about it. These twits are willing to erase their personal individuality completely, act and dress as they're told, and wait around like saps just for the tiniest chance to earn themselves a possibility of a moment inside these mediocre narcissists' panties. Busy, busy, busy is the way of the walk for these false-praise-swollen princesses. If you're not super busy- you're nothin'. These modern single females have gone from can-do to overdone. 

I, personally, am a male feminist. I believe we are all much, much more than our traditional accepted gender generalities. I believe in TOTAL sexual equality. Sadly, a lot of today's so-called feminists, are just femme-fascists. Their master-race is, instead, a master-gender. They don't see the time-proven value of both sexes, like real feminists do. They come to all their dates armed with misinformed indignation and an unrealistic sense of entitlement. They will make you feel as important as a fucking Chinese door menu. Mr. Right, for them, is really just Mr. Right-now-do-what-I-say.

Any deviation from total submission is a turn off for these (now) common specimens. Men like me, who are more individualistic, and likely to stand up for ourselves are quickly deleted from smart phones, left sitting at lonely abandoned tables or next to warm, empty bar stools wondering what we did wrong. What's wrong is we weren't the submissive little man-bitches they were looking for. Good riddance.   

It's a symptom of today's overstimulated minds that certain women have developed this need for unreasonably constant affirmation and ass-kissing. I get it. That's why I'll never do it. I know there are good women out there who believe in equality like I do. It just doesn't seem worth it to sift through a seemingly endless bouquet of histrionic, manic, narcissistic, neurotic, sexists. Their battle cry is: "It's my world - you just live in it." Sounds to me like someone doesn't want to share her fucking Twix.

While, a date with the femme-fascist or goddess-complex chick is quite an annoying time, what is even more obnoxious is wasting time in pursuit of a serious relationship with a slut. Make no mistake. Men are usually much sluttier than women, and I do not use this term as a slur. I have no problem at all with women who truly enjoy a fuck. I think people who do disapprove of them are either handicapped by overzealous religious/moral rearing, or they simply have limited or no sexual capability themselves. Sluts are people too, they deserve respect, and sometimes sex is just sex, depending on how the 2 people actually feel about each other.  

As I have indicated in the NOTE above, I am in no way an authority on love, dating or relationships at fucking all. All of my romantic relationships have failed as my parents' did before me. The difference was that my parents spent decades of wasted time together, half-loving/half-hating one another. Lots of baby-boomers did that. I know lots of people and friends who's families did the same. I was, myself, engaged twice. Once when I thought I was ready for it. Once when I knew I wasn't. I hold on to no pride nor shame in either failure. I thus avoided the even bigger failures of a shitty marriage, inevitable cuckolding, divorce court, and explaining to beautiful children I would have loved far more than myself why sometimes Mommies and Daddies have to split up. Or even worse, to watch them love and call her next dude, Dad, while I payed all their bills. Another 2 bullets to add to the multitude I've dodged so far in life.     

I suppose I could go on and on about dating and how it has always sucked. How expectations are disappointments clad in the masks of imaginations. But I won't. I am sure this all sounds cynical and whiny to people who are in what they believe to be healthy relationships. Those who would balk, half-sneezing laughter at my extremely, personally-biased sociological commentary. I can't blame them. I haven't given up on humanity. I am very aware that there are lots of great people who have fantastic relationships.

I guess I am sort of glad that people can find real happiness in symbiotic unions. Lucky them. In some ways, I am just as selfish as those I've previously condemned. I may just be a skeptic and a cynic when it comes to love and romance. A part of me craves it. The hard truth I must accept is that I might just not contain the mental/emotional interface necessary for it. I do love my dog, though, and would gladly die in place of him without an instant of hesitation. I look in those eyes and see that same love and loyalty returned. No woman in the world can ever offer me anything close to that.      

Between now and my death, I have no plans to date anyone ever again. Getting laid is just a fun, spontaneous luxury to me now. I have no desire to try and convince anyone to like me. Leave that to the innumerable, dumb and desperate. I don't care if I die old and alone in the majesty of the mountains. Many years from now, my rotting, musty bones mourned over only by the howling of my loyal pack of dogs. All these words, read by an anonymous few, to be forgotten and lost to time. Buried and biodegraded like everyone and everything someday will be.
Shit, Kansas/Bill & Ted put it better-

"All we are…is dust in the wind, dude."

Catch ya later, dudes and dudettes…and for fuck's sake, please be excellent to each other.

-2012 Wielgorecki


  1. As part of the anonymous few, I just want to say I enjoyed reading this essay. Yes, be excellent to each other and have one of my Twix.

  2. Thanks for reading. Thanks even more for getting it. You're one of the good ones.
