Monday, November 11, 2013

89 Sweet Wielgorecki's Badass Song

I am no music man. No tiny dancer will ever marry me. I'm pretty sure that's a good thing...for the ladies. I envy the rhythmic and musically talented, and hope someday, someone of that genius can make some musical sense of some of my words. Piss in a bucket, no?

What follows is a wailing, bluesy punk song I wrote when I was down, dumped, drunk and watching too much network news on TV. I'm not an emo, or some kind of sad-voiced dude with a beard. I just don't really enjoy most people, and would never write a "feel-good" piece. Even though it's only a punk song, I would never subject even an enemy to my sang. I'll leave it to someone with a better voice. Until I find that voice, a bad ass guitarist to accompany her, and the windfall to hire them, here's a sad-but-true song I wrote about how very shitty we humans treat each other sometimes. Me included.

Nothing Works

nothing works
as long as there's glory
romantic war stories
we're all really jerks
nothing works

nothing works
as far as I see it
so who really needs it?
when somebody's first
nothing works

I speak for myself so I can't speak for you
won't stop you from doing whatever you do
I promise I won't give a tiny rat's poo
But even rats have to admit that it's true
nothing works

nothing works
with more separation
from bums up to spacemen
we're all really jerks
nothing works

nothing works
not even real working
the whole world is hurting
except for the worst of the worst
nothing works

BONUS! Philosophical Conundrum: Is it perverse to film a monkey masturbating? No. You are filming an animal and its behavior. But where do we stand philosophically on filming that same monkey, engaged in the same activity, dressed up as a little king? Is this OK?   

-2013 Wielgorecki

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