Thursday, January 9, 2014


The Balrogs Of Morgoth By Tomasz Kwiatkowski (LINK
Besides having a fucking badass German Metal band (LINK) named after him, Morgoth Bauglir is arguably the most important character in Tolkien's entire mythos. Without Melkor/Morgoth there is no conflict. The early elves as fascinating, peaceful and awesome as they were conflict-free, would never have become badasses without Morgoth's evil to fight. Sauron was his bitch. All great myths and legends benefit from a wholly evil antagonist. Sauron may seem to be the enemy of the Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, but his will is Morgoth's. If you read The Silmarillion you already know what little there is to be known about The Great Enemy. I wrote a poem about him. Tolkien Fan-Poem? Fuck. It doesn't get any nerdier than this. Ever.


He was Morgoth

The Tyrant

Eyes of black

Hands of power

Will of wrath

He had a malice 

Of such might

He'd turn mid-day

To starless night

The well and healthy

He made ill

With the fire

In the shadow

Of his will

This Secret Fire

Known well to men

Made their wills 

His own to bend

Mighty Melkor

Became him

Always wanting more

He felled

The Two Trees Of Valinor

He let Fenwe

Of Noldor down

Wearing The Silmarils

In his crown

From then on

He was Morgoth

Great Enemy

Dark King

From the fire

Of his hate

Were fought

The Wars

Of The Ring.

-2014 Wielgorecki

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